COMINGSOON…..our new 2022 calendar!

COMINGSOON…..our new 2022 calendar!.

COMINGSOON…..our new 2022 calendar!

The author of oustanding pictures in our calendar is Grzegorz Leśniewski, one of the leading nature photographers in Poland. Naturalist by education, photographer by passion and profession. Using the camera for over twenty years, he has been trying to capture the beauty of Polish nature, its rich and diverse flora, scenic landscapes and particularly wild animals in their natural environment.

Grzegorz Lesniewski is often invited as a juror in photographic competitions. In the years 2009-2014 he was a member of the jury of the Grand Contest of the Polish edition of the National Geographic Society. In 2005 he was awarded the title of the Photographer of the Year granted by the Association of Polish Nature Photographers. As the only Pole, he was invited to the Wild Wonders of Europe - the World’s biggest ever nature photography project, which main idea is showing Europe’s amazing natural heritage. Gregory is a speaker at major European nature photography festivals: WildPhotos in England, GDT in Germany, Festvial Photo Montier in France, the Netherlands NVN, Golden Turtle in Russia and the Festival of Namur in Belgium. 

"I am really happy when other people look at my work from the perspective of their own emotions and experiences. It is then a chance that they will start to notice the beauty of nature around them and ultimately preserve it for future generations."